
Stranger than fiction presents a selection of work by six artists from the Photography Research Group at the University of Brighton; Holly Birtles, Daniel C. Blight, Zoe Childerley, Fergus Heron, Asa Johannesson and Martin Seeds. With individual practices that engage with diverse themes, common to this exhibition is a set of tensions between the real and the imagined that the work of these artists can be seen to form. Building upon traditional genres of portraiture, landscape and still life, moving beyond straightforward notions of constructed and documentary approaches, the exhibition embraces the essential strangeness of photography to alternatively comment upon contemporary social experiences, see places as they might seem to appear, or evoke uncanny visions of worlds yet to be. The exhibition curation process situated works in dialogue with each other in a sequence around the gallery, moving from enigmatic to mimetic works, making their differences and common features newly visible.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jun 2024
EventStranger than fiction - Phoenix Art Space, 10-14 Waterloo Place, Brighton, United Kingdom
Duration: 5 Jun 20249 Jun 2024

Bibliographical note

Artists with work featured in the exhibition are practice-based researchers and lecturers contributing to teaching on the undergraduate and postgraduate photography courses in the Fine Art subject area of the School of Art and Media at the University of Brighton.


  • Photography Exhibition
  • art exhibition
  • fiction/non-fiction
  • Conflict and Post-conflict
  • Landscape Art
  • Art and AI
  • Portraiture
  • Appropriation Art


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