Smoothing the ride: an exploration of students’ experiences and perceptions of the transition from a Level 3 qualification to a higher education programme (Level 4) in a further education Institution

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The transition from a Level 3 programme to a Higher Education one (Level 4) can be a bumpy one, accompanied by significant anxieties and worries for many students, which may affect retention rates. This small-scale case study explored the experiences and perceptions of students on their first year of study at Higher Education in a Further Education Institution, reflecting on the transition, with a view to identify strategies to address specific anxieties. Data collected from 106 questionnaires and one interview identified that students feel ill prepared for the demands of HE. To overcome this it is suggested that more information is available before or at the beginning of a programme, in the form of sitting in on lessons, opportunities to speak to students, and the availability of reading lists. Further, the development of academic skills is essential to those students who enter with more vocational qualifications.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12-16
Number of pages5
JournalResearch in Teacher Education
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2015


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