Sensors for daily life: A review

M. Javaid, A. Haleem, Shanay Rab Shanay Rab, R. Pratap Singh, R. Suman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Sensor technologies have improved the everyday life of human beings through their applications in almost all fields. Sensors are devices that detect changes in the source/environment and collect signals, and accordingly, the reaction is designed. There is a range of sources, including light, temperature, movements, and pressure etc., which may be used. A wide range of applications is utilised using innovative sensor technologies in lifestyle, healthcare, fitness, manufacturing, and daily life. In the medical field, the difficulty to take medicine is eased by drug donors fitted with sensors. It reminds them to take medicine via a signal and also supply the necessary medicine at the specified moment. In health care, older individuals, athletes, and risk patients benefit from modern sensor technology. The current industrial trends driving innovation include ultrasound, radar, and non-contact optoelectronic solutions and laser technology. The paper gives a brief overview of the numerous types of sensors that are utilised in everyday life. Various capabilities of sensors for day-to-day healthcare are discussed. Various features, associated nomenclature, and measures for sensors in day-to-day routine life are discussed diagrammatically and finally, the paper identifies and discusses twenty-two significant applications of sensors for daily life. Sensors also produce vital information and exchange data with other connected devices and administration systems when linked to a network. Thus, for the effective running of many companies, sensors are critical. Various types of sensors are used in our daily life, which is more accurate and makes quicker analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100121
Number of pages10
JournalSensors International
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jul 2021


  • Applications
  • Capabilities
  • Features
  • Daily life


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