Reciprocal versus non-reciprocal assessment of knee flexors and 1 extensors in concentric actions using the CON-TREX multi-joint 2 isokinetic dynamometer: A reliability study

Alex Bliss, Jeanne Dekerle

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Knee flexor and extensor muscular assessment via isokinetic dynamometry is common practice and established in the research literature. However, reporting assessment methodology regarding reciprocal and non-reciprocal movements is often vague or absent. Such methodological issues are crucial for accurate assessments. Therefore, knee extensor and flexor peak moment using either reciprocal movement or non-reciprocal modalities was assessed. Fifteen participants performed 3 blocks of 5 concentric muscle actions at three angular velocities [1: non-reciprocal (maximal active flexion followed by passive extension); B2: reciprocal (maximal active extension followed by maximal active flexion); B3 non-reciprocal (maximal active extension followed by passive flexion)]. ANOVA revealed statistically significant within-subject modality effects for peak knee extensor moment and flexor velocity and modality differences (P<0.05). Reciprocal and non-reciprocal assessments give significantly different results, with non-reciprocal giving higher peak moments. Reporting which modality is used is crucial to allow for greater clarity for the reader and practitioner.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMeasurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
Publication statusPublished - 28 Nov 2018

Bibliographical note

This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science on 28/11/2018, available online:


  • Isokinetic
  • peak moment
  • quadriceps
  • hamstrings
  • muscular assessment


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