Random Notes about Doodling, Sketching, Drawing and Illustrating by John Vernon Lord

Research output: Book/ReportBook - authored


Random Notes about Doodling, Sketching, Drawing and Illustrating looks at the works and private sketchbooks of acclaimed illustrator, John Vernon Lord. With works from the 1950’s to 2023, this volume represents the most comprehensive range of work from Lord.

The book includes an introductory essay from writer and broadcaster Brian Sibley and four new essays by John Vernon Lord on the differences between doodling, sketching, drawing and illustrating.

Lord is internationally acclaimed for his works for James Joyce’s Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, his illustrations Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and his writing and drawings for the seminal The Giant Jam Sandwich set to verse by Janet Burroway.

‘This book represents 66 years of some of Lord’s drawings and notes carried out from his student days to the present (1957-2022). They are mostly informal works that were carried out as a way of exploring and discovering. There are very nearly 700 pages of drawings here selected from the many pages of his sketchbooks, notebooks and doodles. The apparent precision of many of the drawings belies the actual spontaneity of making them. They vary from depicting something observed to subjects that lurk inside his imagination. Drawing is one of the sharpest ways of keeping within the present.’ – John Vernon Lord
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationDitchling, UK
PublisherUnseen Sketchbooks
Number of pages290
ISBN (Print)9781915528025
Publication statusPublished - 24 Sept 2023


  • Drawing, Sketching, Doodling, Illustrating


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