Paranormal belief and errors of probabilistic reasoning: The role of constituent conditional relatedness in believers' susceptibility to the conjunction fallacy

Paul Rogers, John E. Fisk, Emma Lowrie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The present study examines the extent to which stronger belief in either extrasensory perception, psychokinesis or life-after-death is associated with a proneness to making conjunction errors (CEs). One hundred and sixty members of the UK public read eight hypothetical scenarios and for each estimated the likelihood that two constituent events alone plus their conjunction would occur. The impact of paranormal belief plus constituents’ conditional relatedness type, estimates of the subjectively less likely and more likely constituents plus relevant interaction terms tested via three Generalized Linear Mixed Models. General qualification levels were controlled for. As expected, stronger PK beliefs and depiction of a positively conditionally related (verses conditionally unrelated) constituent pairs predicted higher CE generation. ESP and LAD beliefs had no impact with, surprisingly, higher estimates of the less likely constituent predicting fewer - not more - CEs. Theoretical implications, methodological issues and ideas for future research are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-29
Number of pages17
JournalConsciousness and Cognition
Publication statusPublished - 12 Oct 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 Elsevier Inc.


  • Conditional related
  • Conjunction fallacy
  • Paranormal belief
  • Probabilistic reasoning
  • Surprise


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