One step forward: pathways to employment for young people from foster care

Claire Stubbs (Editor), Angela Hart (Editor)

Research output: Other contribution


Welcome to One Step Forward... a gorgeous-looking book produced by young people in England with experience of foster care with the help of some adults. Finding a job is a big challenge for young people at the moment, especially when they experience such complex situations, like being in care. The impact of not having a job can spiral into other challenges such as feeling bad about themselves, not having anywhere to live and no money for the basics. Therefore being able to bounce up (resilience) under these circumstances is really important.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrighton, UK
Publication statusPublished - 4 Aug 2015

Bibliographical note

Permission is granted in the spirit of Creative Commons to replicate, copy, distribute, transmit or adapt all content freely, provided that attribution is detailed as illustrated in the reference below: One Step Forward Young People's Group with Claire Stubbs and Angie Hart (2015) One Step Forward, Brighton: Boingboing


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