Naturally informed design: back in harness, the long march or a new territory?

Poorang Piroozfar, R.J. Plank

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNChapterpeer-review


The way of dealing with nature as the context of manmade structure has been a matter of dispute during the history of built environment. Two general ways may be potentially taken; ignorance or respectfulness. Focusing on the latter attitude towards the nature, this paper briefly overviews the possible approaches in this way. Then it will try to assess them in a framework which is widely accepted through architectural history to find out the legitimacy of each approach. Drawing an overall view of the naturally-inspired design, then it will have some recommendations for the designers not only in built environment but in other disciplines. The aim hopefully is to help them in having a clearer view about their situation at first stage of design process, their choices and methodologies during it and a perspective about the final products in the end.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of IASS Symposium 2005 (International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures)
Place of PublicationBucharest, Romania
Publication statusPublished - 2005


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