Measurements of the direction of the solar wind using interplanetary scintillation

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EISCAT observations of the interplanetary scintillation of a single source were made over an extended period of time, during which the orientation of the baselines between the two observing sites changed significantly. Assuming that maximum correlation between the scintillations observed at the two sites occurs when the projected baseline is parallel to the direction of plasma flow, this technique can be used to make a unique determination of the direction of the solar wind. In the past it has usually been assumed that the plasma flow is radial, but measurements of eleven sources using this technique have indicated conclusively that in at least six cases observed at mid or high heliocentric latitude there is a significant non-radial component directed in four cases towards the heliocentric equator and in two cases towards the pole.Key words. Solar physics · Astrophysics · Astronomy · Magnetic fields · Space plasma physics · Charged particle motion and acceleration.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1259–1264
Number of pages6
JournalAnnales Geophysicae
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 1998


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