Living on the edge: sexual behaviour and young parenthood in rural and seaside areas

Jo Bell, Suzanne Clisby, Gary Craig, Lynda Measor, Stephanie Petrie, Nicky Stanley

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review


Teenage pregnancy and parenting are issues of concern particularly in areas characterised by deprivation and social exclusion. Amongst these are a number of seaside resorts, where rates of under-18 conceptions have been higher than national averages, together with their surrounding rural areas. Researchers from the Universities of Hull, Brighton and Liverpool explored the factors that shape young people’s attitudes to,and experiences of, sexual behaviour and young parenthood in three linked seaside and rural areas. They found that, although there were many characteristics of sexual behaviour which were familiar from other research, the impact of the local context – for example the hedonistic and exploitative environment of the seaside or the isolation, difficulties in accessing services and heightened ‘visibility’ of rural areas often accentuated their difficulties.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationHull, UK
PublisherUniversity of Hull
Number of pages61
ISBN (Print)1903704197
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2004

Publication series

NameWorking papers in social sciences and policy


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