Literature Review. Defining and supporting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): a sector-wide study

Joelle Fanghanel, Susannah McGowan, Pam Parker, Catherine McConnell, Jacqueline Potter, William Locke, Mick Healey

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This literature review focuses on the objectives of the research project which were to: - Update on recent developments in the international literature on SoTL to inform the project- Chart the way SoTL is defined, supported, and embedded in institutional policy in the UK - Provide resources to support institutions in relation to their rewards and promotions processes- Identify strategies to engage students in SoTL- Inform the next iteration of the Higher Education Academy UK Professional Standard Framework The review examines the way SoTL is defined in the literature; SoTL in the disciplines; SoTL as educational development; SoTL in institutions; national frameworks for promoting SoTL; and student engagement with SoTL. The methodology for the review is outlined in paragraph 1.2. The conceptual framework for examining SoTL is discussed in paragraph 2.2. The paper concludes with a set of findings and recommendations emerging from this literature review. These must be read with reference to the Executive Summary which provides an overview of the whole project, and a set of recommendations based on all components of the project.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherHigher Education Academy
Number of pages61
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2016


  • Scholarship of teaching and learning
  • higher education
  • educational development
  • student engagement


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