Large-scale mass wasting on the northwest African continental margin: Some general implications for mass wasting on passive continental margins

Sebastian Krastel, Russell B. Wynn, Aggeliki Georgiopoulou, Jacob Geersen, Rüdiger Henrich, Mathias Meyer, Tilmann Schwenk

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNConference contribution with ISSN or ISBNpeer-review


    The continental margin off Northwest Africa is shaped by a complex interplay of sediment transport processes, directed both downslope and alongslope. During several recent cruises, sediment transport processes between 12°N and 29°N off Senegal, Mauritania, and Western Sahara were investigated by means of geophysical and sedimentological methods. Sediment transport on the Northwest African continental margin operates with different rates and styles: some sections of the margin show a large concentration of upper slope canyons but no indication for significant mass wasting, whereas other sections are characterized by large-scale mass wasting with no canyons or gullies. Four mega-slides, each affecting over 20,000 km2 of seafloor, have been identified along the continental slope off Northwest Africa. All slides are complex in morphology and show a stepped headwall pattern typical for retrogressive failure. Several buried mass transport deposits are seismically imaged beneath all near-surface slides indicating a long history of mass wasting for some sections of the margin. Two of the mega-slides show headwalls at atypically large water depths, deeper than 3,000 m.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSubmarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences - 5th International Symposium
    PublisherKluwer Academic Publishers
    Number of pages11
    ISBN (Print)9789400721616
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2012
    Event5th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences - Kyoto, Japan
    Duration: 24 Oct 201126 Oct 2011

    Publication series

    NameSubmarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences - 5th International Symposium


    Conference5th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences


    • Acoustic imaging
    • Canyons
    • Geohazards
    • Submarine landslides


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