Implementing blended self-managed action learning for digital entrepreneurs in higher education

S. Shurville, Asher Rospigliosi

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We report upon implementing blended self-managed action learning (SMAL) within graduate and postgraduate courses in digital entrepreneurship. In four out of five cases, we found that SMAL was highly motivating to our learners and integrated well with a blended and flexible approach to learning. We report a case where a SMAL set broke down due to the presence of a charismatic learner who was visibly biased against SMAL and questioned its utility from the outset. We suggest that the risk of similar breakdowns might be managed by developing a questionnaire to pre-assess participants' readiness for action learning and increasing the level or support during SMAL set meetings. While SMAL did not give rise to independent action learning sets after the courses, we were surprised and encouraged to find that learners instigated independent virtual learning networks, which flourished for up to a year after the courses. On the basis of this experiment we suggest that blended and fully virtual SMAL are worthy of further investigation in higher education and beyond.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)53-61
    Number of pages9
    JournalAction Learning: Research and Practice
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Mar 2009


    • blended self-managed action learning
    • entrepreneurs
    • higher education
    • self-managed action learning


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