Illustration as an expanded field of practice: A speculative discourse

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    ‘This driver is accelerating and illustration is becoming divergent – both more digital and more animated. It's becoming less like the illustration we are familiar with, as art directors and designers explore the boundaries of various editorial and advertising contexts. At the same time it's becoming more three-dimensional and more about delivering a tangible experience through its physicality.’
    - John O’Reilly, Computer Arts issue 235

    Marshal McLuhan identified our tendency to use old frames of mind in the new frames of media and technology we invent, he called it the Rearview Mirror. As illustration has expanded beyond traditional forms through technology, it is no longer confined to the printed page. It is more ambiguous, temporal and immaterial, something that you may experience or interact with in a post digital age. We have moved away from the literary and binary to the visual – instagram and the GIF are straight to the point, have immediacy.
    This paper will speculate on how the changing means of production into the digital has given freedom conceptually to illustrators to not only work across different media, or to disseminate work over varying platforms, but as to what an illustrator is today.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 26 Nov 2018
    EventIllustration Across Media
    : Nineteenth Century To Now
    - Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, USA, St Louis, United States
    Duration: 21 Mar 201923 Mar 2019


    ConferenceIllustration Across Media
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CitySt Louis
    Internet address


    • Illustration
    • Media
    • Animation


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