How to Use Visual Language to Effectively Influence People’s Social Concepts: Based on the research: How to use visual means to enhance fertility willingness of people from “one-child family”

Liuchuan Wang

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The design language can make a huge contribution to the change of the existed social concept. However, many other members of society, such as government policy makers, they pay enough attention to the power of design language, yet their use of visual language propaganda has been difficult to meet the public's psychological expectations. The Chinese government issued a second child policy to ensure sustainable development. However, during the promotion of the policy, it has encountered varies difficulties including the existed social concept, which is one child per family. Hence, this project reveals how to use the design language to help the second child policy implementation in China as an example to demonstrate the impact of the design language on the social sector.

This project first identified the parents from one child families and their child as the target audience of visual language affecting on this specific social concepts. By conducting an interview with that type of childbearing age group, I found that traditional appealing government propaganda is difficult to effectively resonate with them. Even the actual welfare and economic assistance from the government is difficult to improve their personal fertility willingness. The reason is that they lack the experience of living in a family with multiple children. Hence, we use this as the entry point designed a family picture book to give these people without a sibling and their child an early understanding of what life will look like for having more than one child. I believe this would help the second child policy implementation and change the existed social concept.

To achieve this, currently, I aimed at a multi-audience group in the family by starting with an illustration book. But I will maintain an open mind on the form of visual communication. In order to dispel the myth of the resistance to having the second child and affect the social sector, in the future, I will continue the project on the impact of design language on the social concept by looking into the implementation of the second child policy.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventInternational Conference on Typography & Visual Communication: International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication - University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Duration: 19 Jun 201921 Jun 2019
Conference number: 7th


ConferenceInternational Conference on Typography & Visual Communication
Abbreviated titleICTVC
Internet address


  • visual communication
  • one-child policy
  • two-child policy
  • viausl propaganda
  • social concept
  • illustration
  • Visual Arts


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