Gesundheitsforderung in der stationaren Altenbetreuung Forderliche und hinderliche Faktoren bei der Implementation eines Mobilitatsprogramms

Benjamin Marent, Christina Wieczorek, Hermann Schmied, Annett Horn, Thomas Kleina, Doris Schaeffer, Wolfgang Duer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Health promotion in residential aged care: a qualitative study on facilitating and hindering factors for implementing a mobility program. Background: Implementation research is an emerging topic in the field of health promotion research. It aims to translate innovative and efficacious health programs into practices and to ensure their effective implementation. In the setting of residential aged care, to date, there has been little research on factors which enable or hinder the implementation of health promotion programs. Methods: By a qualitative study, the implementation of a physical activity program for the elderly in three Viennese residential care homes has been investigated. 12 semi-structured interviews with persons responsible for program implementation (executives and adopters) have been conducted. Results: The strategic anchoring of the program and therewith the strong adoption of leadership roles by executive staff proved as facilitating factors. The program was compatible with the role identity and expertise of the occupational group responsible for implementation. Furthermore, it offered opportunities for professional development and autonomy. As hindering proved the ongoing redeployment process in course of which the program implementation was perceived as an additional burden. Moreover, structures for exchange and cooperation were missing. Conclusion: Beside strategic commitment, successful implementation of a mobility program relies on an operative management that adopts coordinating tasks and creates supporting structures (for collaboration and exchange).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)298-304
Number of pages7
JournalPraevention und Gesundheitsfoerderung
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jul 2014

Bibliographical note

The final publication is available at Springer via


  • Long-term care
  • health promotion
  • elderly
  • implementation
  • nursing home


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