GAP report between E-ARK requirements for access, and current access solutions

Kathrine Hougaard Edsen Johansen, Alex Thirifays, Piret Randmäe, Jože Škofljanec, Janet Anderson, David Anderson, Kuldar Aas

Research output: Other contribution


This report is a GAP analysis between current access services and user requirements for Access. It describes the landscape of access services today and highlights the results of the examinations of user needs for access services. The study targets the producers of the access services (service providers and archives), the clients of these services (archives) and the end-users of them (third-party users, the archives and the content providers themselves).

This GAP analysis report can be read by readers uninvolved with the E-ARK project to gain understanding of the current situation and assess their own solution(s).
Original languageEnglish
TypeProject deliverable
Publication statusPublished - 14 Feb 2018


  • E-ARK
  • Requirements
  • Access


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