
    Research output: Book/ReportBook - authored


    This is the fourth edition from Unseen Sketchbooks.

    EDITION 4 presents some of the works of Grenoble based Thierry Ronat, better know as Naro. The fragments of his work, in the tradition of the New Realists including Jacques Villeglé remind us of the visual culture that surrounds our everyday lives.

    Ripped posters, street scenes, broken images, pop images and torn segments all collide into new expressions – a fragmented time.

    A visual remix, the works take influence from music, pop culture and the familiar images of film and contemporary culture.

    A ripped, torn fragment of time. A pause. A question.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationUniversity of Brighton
    PublisherUnseen Sketchbooks
    Number of pages64
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Jul 2020


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