Flirting with Space, the Question of Space and Beyond: An interview between Professor David Crouch and Harriet Parry

Harriet Parry, David Crouch

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


David Crouch is Professor Emeritus in Cultural Geography and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Derby, UK. David’s vital and inquisitive praxis attends to the creative nature of human and non-human relations in and with space, an approach also illustrated through his work as a practicing artist. His most recent research monograph Flirting with Space (Crouch 2010) exemplifies the rich rewards for such attention to the complexity, simplicity, playfulness and possibility that occurs through the practice of everyday living. Amongst his many contributions working to open up space for innovation in his field, David recently co-edited a publication entitled The Question of Space (Crouch and Nieuwenhuis Eds. 2017) with political geographer Dr Marijn Nieuwenhuis then Warwick University, now Durham. The text draws together a diverse group of authors writing across boundaries and territorialities that demonstrate the liveliness and ongoing value of playing with the concept of space, an approach that we have endeavoured to reflect in this special issue of Networking Knowledge Mediating Place.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
JournalNetworking Knowledge
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2022


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