Engaging young people to inform health improvement commissioning and delivery in East Sussex

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The Centre for Health Research at the University of Brighton was commissioned by East Sussex County Council to: 1) conduct engagement and participation activities with young people across the county, and; 2) support and contextualise the engagement activities by conducting a targeted literature review and synthesis of relevant UK and international research. Together these activities aimed to provide greater understanding and insight into the views and experiences of young people with regards to both existing and commissioning of future health improvement services and initiatives. The specific topics of investigation included the following three defined areas of health improvement commissioning and/or delivery: 1) Whole-school approaches to health improvement; 2) Emotional wellbeing and resilience programmes, and; 3) Sexual health improvement. This report presents the findings from the engagement and participation activities with young people. A separate companion report presents the findings from the literature review and synthesis (Davies,2015.)
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of Brighton
Number of pages120
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2015

Bibliographical note

© 2015 East Sussex County Council


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