Engaging Multiple Temporalities: Displacement Device Series

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNConference contribution with ISSN or ISBN


    Developed as part of an ongoing method for investigating the role of speculation in the architectural design process, each evolving piece in the Displacement Device Series acts as an operative research apparatus. Articulated through writing and in the making of images in drawn and photographic form, the empirical examinations of the devices help to relate and intensify their poetic speculations. Through the investigative connection with a world of multiple, differing, yet simultaneous times, future projections are conjured and creatively sustained: the world becomes one where the sun can set beyond the horizon and yet remain in the sky, where passing birds can both seek to arrive and to dissipate at once. This induced multiplicity allows for reflection upon what has yet to occur, ultimately generating a critical discourse on the role of prediction and anticipation in the architectural process.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationArtefakte des Entwerfens und ihre Wissenspraktiken
    Subtitle of host publicationSkizzieren, Zeichnen, Skripten, Modellieren
    PublisherNetzwerk Architektur Wissenschaft
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 18 Jun 2018
    EventArtifacts of Design and Their Knowledge Practices - TU Berlin, Institute of Architecture, Berlin, Germany
    Duration: 16 Nov 201718 Nov 2017


    ConferenceArtifacts of Design and Their Knowledge Practices


    • Viewing Device
    • Temporality
    • Photography
    • Displacement
    • Architecture
    • Mirror
    • Camera Construct


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