Electric Vehicle Sentiment Analysis Using Large Language Models

Hemlata Sharma, Faiz UdDin, Bayode Ogunleye

Research output: Working paperPreprint


Sentiment analysis is a technique used to understand the publics’ opinion towards an event, product, or organization. For example, positive or negative opinion or attitude towards electric vehicle (EV) brands. This provides companies with valuable insight about the public's opinion of their products and brands. In the field of natural language processing (NLP), transformer models have shown great performances over the traditional machine learning algorithms. However, these models have not been explored extensively in the EV domain. EV companies are becoming significant competitors in the automotive industry and are projected to cover up to 30% of the United States light vehicle market by 2030 [1]. In this study, we present a comparative study of large language models (LLMs) including bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT), robustly optimized BERT approach and generalized autoregressive pretraining for language understanding using Lucid motors and Tesla motors YouTube datasets. Results evidenced LLMs like BERT and her variants are off-the-shelf algorithms for sentiment analysis, specifically, when fine tuned. Furthermore, our findings presents the need for domain adaptation whilst utilizing LLMs. Finally, the experimental results showed that RoBERTa achieved consistent performance across the EV datasets with a F1 score of at least 92%.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 9 Aug 2024


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