E‐ARK Search, Access and Display Interfaces

Alex Thirifays, Andreas Kring, Lanre Abiwon, Frank Thomsen, Mihai Bartha, Bruno Ferreira, Zoltán Lux, Gregor Završnik, Anja Paulič, Kuldar Aas, Andrew Wilson, David Anderson, Janet Anderson

Research output: Other contribution


The aim of this report is to describe the “Search, Access and Display Interfaces” that have been developed in the Access component of the E-ARK project.

The deliverable associated with this report is mainly a software deliverable and therefore this document provides only underpinning descriptions of and links to the software itself.

The tools that are described and provided allow Consumers (ie. end-users and archivists) to:

1. Search and order records (primarily end-users, but also archivists)

2. Manage orders of records and manage the records themselves, including the AIP to DIP conversion (archivists only)

3. Access ordered records as DIPs (primarily end-users, but also archivists)

In addition to the the introductory remarks in chapter 2, the functionality of the tools that allow the Consumers to search, manage, and access records is described in chapter 3. After the description of each tool, links are provided to code and documentation.
Original languageEnglish
TypeProject deliverable
Publication statusPublished - 14 Feb 2018


  • E-ARK
  • Search Interface
  • Access Interface
  • Display Interface


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