Documentation, Common Information and Short Overview of the E-ARK pilots

István Alföldi, István Réthy, Clive Billenness, Janet Anderson, Kuldar Aas, Anders Bo Nielsen, Phillip Mike Tømmerholt, Alex Thirifays, Hans Fredrik Berg, Terje Pettersen-Dahl, Arne-Kristian Groven, Tarvo Kärberg, Karin Oolu, Raivo Ruusalepp, Ats Rand, Gregor Završnik, Boris Domajnko, Joze Skofljanec, Miguel Ferreira, Zoltán LuxMezei József, David Anderson

Research output: Other contribution


This report contains the common information and short overview of the pilots, along with references to the final version of the Pilot Definition Excel files and Pilot Documentation Packages.
Original languageEnglish
TypeProject deliverable
Publication statusPublished - 12 Feb 2018


  • E-ARK
  • Pilot


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