Controlability of multi-rotors under motor fault effect

Davood Asadi, Karim Ahmadi Dastgerdi, Seyed-Yaser Nabavi-Chashmi, Onder Tutsoy

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The multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are being increasingly applied in both military and civil applications. Motor fault or failure is a common type of fault on multi-rotors, which might take place during mission and operation. Various configurations of fault are considered regarding the desired faulty motor in multi-rotors including the quadcopters and hexarotors. The existence of fault on different motors can lead to different controllability around the vehicle’s body axes. Here, configurations mean the rotation angle of the multi-rotor’s body axes respecting the fault or failure on the arbitrary motor of the multi-rotor. Therefore, it is essential to know which configuration has better reliability in the presence of motor faults or failures. Since the multirotor’s reliability and recoverability is highly related to its controllability, the controllability gramian approach, which is derived from the linear systems theory, as a control objective. The eigenvalues of the controllability gramian can be used as a surrogate for the energy required to control the corresponding eigenvector. Accordingly, the results clearly demonstrate the effect of motor fault on multi-rotor controllability. Additionally, in this paper, configurations with minimum required energy are introduced for quadrotors and hexarotors in different motor faults and failures.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)24-43
JournalArtıbilim: Adana Alparslan Türkeş Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2021


  • Controllability
  • Motor fault
  • Multi-rotor


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