Connecting Personal and Professional Learning Narratives in Teacher Education: Implications for Policy

Keith Turvey, Michael Hayler

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    The international implications of policy change for teacher education are illuminated in this paper which will share analysis of the design, planning, teaching of, and responses to, a post- graduate module for pre-service primary school teachers. At
    the University of Brighton, we have developed a pedagogical model of professional learning that exploits the personalisation and connectivity that professional blogs can yield, to construct a meaningful narrative of professional development that blends university and school-based learning. This paper will consider the developing role and contribution of higher education to the education of student teachers through analysis of their and their tutors’ experiences of this module, as they struggle to conform to required, practical change in a creative and productive way.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    EventEuropean Conference on Education Research: Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research - Hungary, Budapest
    Duration: 8 Sept 2015 → …


    ConferenceEuropean Conference on Education Research
    Abbreviated titleECER 2015
    Period8/09/15 → …


    • Blogging
    • Teacher education and development
    • Educational technology


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