Connected Downs: A co-designed exploration of a teenagers relationship with digital technology and the world around them, bringing rural and urban landscapes together.

Mark Wells, Emma Collins, Silvia Anzoletti (Other), Phoebe Balinska-Smith (Other), Stephen Bartlett (Other), Kieran Batkin (Other), Rosey Blackwell (Other), Katherine Buckland (Other), Holly Carter (Curator/Producer), Aran Cromberge (Other), Ellie Domm (Other), Abbie Green (Curator/Producer), Jasmine Gillanders (Other), Rowena Guy De Quin (Other), Rachel Kiley (Other), Elliot Matthews (Other), Amaka Nnamaka (Other), Fin Newman (Curator/Producer), Max Nightingale (Other), Annalie Seaman (Other)Jennie Smith (Curator/Producer), Sarah Tabbara (Other), Riad Tabbara (Other), Eve Tomkins (Other), Gary Webster (Other), Sophie Wells (Curator/Producer), Poppy Williams (Curator/Producer), Taliesin Wintle (Other), Jim Wilson (Curator/Producer)

Research output: Non-textual outputExhibition


An exhibition documenting participatory led workshops delivered by a range of practitioners to teenagers and adults to investigate and frame how digital technology contributes to our experience of the natural world around us, specifically Butts Brow on the South Downs. It explored how the group generated a sense of belonging and attachment to the space and the power that this can create in caring for the world around us, empowering change and wellbeing.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jul 2024
EventConnected downs - The Mint House, Pevensey, United Kingdom
Duration: 3 Jul 20246 Jul 2024


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