Children and young people's participation training workshop guide

Victoria Johnson, Robert Nurick, Karen Baker, Rajni S. Shivakotee

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


In order to share skills and knowledge on children and young people's participation (CYPP), ChildHope UK has worked with partners in Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, India and Peru to develop guidance on CYPP. Through doctoral research carried out to examine CYPP in evaluation in varying contexts, a ‘Change-scape’ model was developed. This links agency, identity and interest of children and young people in the centre of the framework to various aspects of context, including the commitment and capacity in organisations, the political economy, institutional settings and cultural beliefs and traditions. In applying this, I have subsequently found that, while this is helpful in training trainers in national organisations, it is vital to use this alongside a range of other theoretical models and frameworks for participation and inclusion, also discussed in this paper. In this way, training can be modified depending on the capacity and interests of trainers, and the cultural, political and institutional context. Training proved to be successful when it was inclusive with girls, boys, staff and decision-makers who can help to change the context of children and young people's participation locally.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon, UK
PublisherChildHope UK
Number of pages68
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2013


  • children
  • young people
  • rights
  • participation
  • methods
  • inclusion


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