Building for Creativity: Places, spaces, educating and collaborating

Martin Bouette, Ian Elwick

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Brighton has become a coherent creative city and the Werks Group has been central in this development. This talk explores the development of creative hubs in Brighton and in particular the relationship between physical and virtual support.

    The Werks group has an enviable track record of business success with less than 2% business failure rate and a lexicon of amazing creative enterprises that have succeeded.

    Director Dr Martin Bouette transcends creative hub development with an academic career coordinating the business courses for fashion pathways at the University of Brighton. He has also written and directed an MBA in Creative Industries Management.

    Director Ian Elwick has been at the forefront of creative hub development setting up Brighton’s first digital media centre in 1992.

    Since 2014 Bouette and Elwick have developed 9 creative spaces in Brighton and have undertaken research, projects, business planning and hub development for Kent County Council and Tunbridge Wells Borough Council.

    Bouette and Elwick see the juxtaposition of space, community and support being at the heart of creative hubs. They will discuss their creative journey through the exploration of their practice. They will discuss developing creative spaces, implementing support at various levels, the importance of the virtual environment and connecting with local groups and HEI’s.

    Within their talk Bouette and Elwick will discuss their experience of the changing landscape of creative spaces, the impact of Brexit, building connections with local groups, developing affordable spaces to meet the needs of specialist creative areas (digital, games, craft and fine art), types of spaces from offices and studios to co working and co making and the virtual community and the future.

    Bouette and Elwick will conclude by discussing the 'Affordability Challenge' How do private sector organisations secure and maintain supportive creative workspace that is affordable to make and therefore affordable to creative practices?
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventCreativity / Knowledge / Cities: Exploring the contradictions at the heart of relationships between univewrsities & the creative sector - Watershed , Bristol, United Kingdom
    Duration: 4 Jul 20195 Jul 2019


    ConferenceCreativity / Knowledge / Cities
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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