Brighton Bound: Stories of moving to, around and out of the city 1920s-2020s

Cath Senker, Ben Rogaly, Amy Clarke

Research output: Book/ReportBook - authored


Migration and movement have played a continuous part in the making of Brighton and Hove. From people moving out of the centre to new suburban estates in the mid-20th century, through the arrival of down-from-Londoners and people from across the world, to residents having to leave because of rocketing rents and house prices, Brighton Bound reveals a city in constant flux.

Brighton has long been known as a welcoming city. As this book demonstrates, that reputation is often well-deserved, yet Brighton is also a place of persisting inequalities and injustices.

These stories reveal the joys and struggles of individual Brightonians, the role of some supportive local organisations, and how national political decisions, economic conditions and world history have impacted upon the moves people have made.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages160
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2024


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