Assurance support for full adaptive service based applications

T. Baker, A. Taleb Bendiab, D. Al-Jumeily

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNConference contribution with ISSN or ISBNpeer-review


Many computer systems and applications must be “non-stop” that is, provide continuous and uninterrupted services. Meanwhile, Service-Based Applications (SBAs) should be dynamic in terms of adap¬tability in order to operate and evolve in highly dynamic environments. Thus, in general, non-stop service-based applications require the ability to be updated without interruption. Flurry of researches on this kind of applications have already produced a range of adaptation techniques and strategies. However, adaptive SBAs are subject to some failures that would not occur in "static" applications like the faulty adaptation behaviour due to changes not anticipated at design-time. For adaptive SBAs to become reliable, robust, efficient and thus applicable in practice, novel technique, that ensures the correctness of adaptations, is needed instantly at run-time. Consequently, Provision, Assurance and Auditing/Accounting (PAA) modelling approach paves the way towards this goal by using the Concept Aided-Situation Prediction Action (CA-SPA) full adaptive assurance model. This paper shows how the CA-SPA in PAA can be used for the purpose of fixing the anticipated and unanticipated failure that might occur suddenly at software evolution.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUKSim2010 - UKSim 12th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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