Assessment and Evaluation of the E-ARK Pilots and Tools

Diogo Proença, Ricardo Vieira, José Borbinha, Alberto Silva, Carlos Martins, Bruno Martins, David Anderson, Janet Anderson

Research output: Other contribution


The E-ARK Project focuses on harmonizing currently fragmented solutions that support Archives services, especially in regard to Ingest, Archival Preservation and Dissemination of information. E-ARK solutions were tested in a series of open pilots in various national contexts, using both existing and near-to-market tools, as well as services developed by partners.

This report provides the final assessment and evaluation of the pilots. Moreover, this report also details the technical evaluation of the tools developed within the project.
Original languageEnglish
TypeProject deliverable
Publication statusPublished - 14 Feb 2018


  • E-ARK
  • Pilot


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