An Assessment of Bank Lending to UK SMEs in the wake of the crisis

Angus Armstrong, Philip Davis, Iana Liadze, Cinzia Rienzo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The availability of bank finance to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is important to allow SMEs to start up and finance investment for growth. To assess changes in such availability over 2001–12, we used data from a series of surveys that provide detailed information on the characteristics of a sample of UK SMEs, their owners and experiences of obtaining finance. Using econometric models, which included controls for SME characteristics and risk factors, indicators of changes in the provision of bank lending over the time period abstracting from borrower risk could be obtained. The results suggest ongoing restrictions on the availability of SME bank finance up to 2012 – which appear to have persisted into 2013. Further research using macro data shows an impact of economic uncertainty on such finance. If unresolved, these patterns could imply adverse effects on economic performance in the short and long term.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)RR39-RR51
Number of pages12
JournalNational Institute Economic Review
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jul 2013


  • Small and medium enterprises
  • bank lending
  • credit supply
  • banking crisis
  • E44
  • G01


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