Piloting the Focus Group Method: Preparing for a Participatory Design Study With Children and Young People. SAGE Research Methods Cases

Tara Sims (Editor)

Research output: Other contribution


My chosen PhD methodology (the BRIDGE approach to participatory design) required me to conduct focus groups with children and young people with limb difference to involve them in developing prototype prostheses. Although experienced in working with disabled children, I was a novice in this research method. I took the decision, therefore, to learn about and improve my skills in this method by carrying out a pilot focus group. This case presents my reflection on the experience of conducting a pilot focus group and the valuable lessons I learned. The pilot focus group was carried out with six children and focused on designing a television program (in order to be based on product design to mirror the questioning route for the main study). Many of the decisions I made in designing the pilot focus group were based on theoretical study of conducting focus groups. However, the practical experience of carrying out the pilot study taught me additional lessons: analysis of activities is important in the planning process, age of participants and group dynamics must be carefully considered, and practical issues (such as sound recording) can impact the quality of data collected.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationThousand Oaks, CA, USA
ISBN (Electronic)9781473992726
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2017


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