5G Accelerated Complexity, Human Centred Networks & Data Driven Transformation ​

Karen Cham

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


5G MEC accelerates a new dimension of end user services across numerous verticals for the next generation of service providers. What do these services look like ? How will providers attract and keep a customer base ? Where are the value chains ? What about policy & ethics ? Professor Karen Cham unpacks her work in partnership with the Digital Catapult Centre Brighton https://www.digicatapult.org.uk on the 5G Brighton testbed projecthttps://www.brighton.ac.uk/about-us/news-and-events/news/2019/02-06-university-works-with-smes-to-enable-5g-technology.aspx ; the UKs first 5G testbed located outside of a University and aimed at SME innovators, developed with University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) www.surrey.ac.uk/5gic and University of Bristol and www.bristol.ac.uk/engineering/research/smart/projects/uk-5g/ and a named part of the UK Govts 5G Strategy for key reasons. Looking at Retail, Healthcare, Entertainment and Enterprise, she sets out why SMEs are being asked to iterate the testbed and how whoever masters human centred networks and data driven transformation will become the 5G equivalent of Google, FaceBook & Amazon.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2019
EventDigital Transformation World Intelligent Operations for a 5G World: 2025 Digital Operator Track; Capturing Value in the 5G Era - Acropolis Convention Centre, Nice, France
Duration: 14 May 201917 May 2019


ConferenceDigital Transformation World Intelligent Operations for a 5G World
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