Kraydel - consultancy (Digital Health Living)

    Project Details


    The project is a collaboration between the Digital Health Living Lab and Kraydel.
    One of the many societal implications of Covid19 is the social distancing rule. This rule has a detrimental impact on the ability to implement digital health solutions to vulnerable people with limited digital literacy.Kraydel is a technology startup company, based in Belfast & London.

    They help people maintain their independence and improve their wellbeing with products that are easily adopted by the User, their families, and service providers. One of their products, Konnect, is a simple technology for anyone who can operate a TV and a secure way to make and receive video calls from the comfort of one’s sofa. 

    The technology enhances social connections and communication, but the installation of such technology is being affected by the social distancing rule. This project will explore the feasibility of applying digital health solutions at people’s homes adhering to the rule of social distancing, utilising remote technical support. Furthermore, we aim to gather the experiences of individuals with the installation and use of this technology using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

    Layman's description

    Effective start/end date20/04/2031/12/20


    • Kraydel


    • Digital Health
    • Living Lab
    • eHealth


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