Personal profile

Research interests

My area of research interests is related to neurorobotics, digital healthcare, digital construction, control systems, and artificial intelligence (AI). A key feature of my research is to develop reliable, robust, and real-time analysis systems that will be able to detect the abnormalities and also to forecasting approaching abnormalities from brain signal data (e.g., Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals data). In my current work, I research diverse types of neurorobotics applications such as depression EEG signal data, epilepsy EEG signal data, alcoholism EEG signal data, motor, and mental imagery EEG signal data for brain computer-interface systems. I already developed some breakthrough methods in the mentioned areas. My developed methods assist researchers and experts to analyze EEG signals for diagnosis of various brain disorders (e.g. epilepsy, depression, mental, Autism) and to help for rehabilitation application development. I made significant contributions for the development of prosthetic legs, or prostheses, that can help people with leg amputations get around more easily with the help of neurorobotic, biomedical signal processing, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, and intelligent system. In content of digital construction, I have been integrating AI and robotics to set up a system that automatically tracks the progress of construction projects.

Supervisory Interests

I am interested in supervising research in neurorobotics, digital healthcare, digital construction, control systems, and artificial intelligence. I am particularly keen in developing AI-based algorithms to integrate with prosthetic legs or prostheses. I am also looking for students who can combine AI and robotics to develop a system that automatically tracks the progress of construction projects. I am developing an interdisciplinary research lab called “Robotics, Control, and AI Lab”.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, PhD in Control Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University Xian

1 Sept 20181 Feb 2022

Award Date: 20 Mar 2022

Master, MSc in Electrical Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology

1 Sept 200922 Aug 2011

Award Date: 14 Sept 2011

Bachelor, BSc in Electrical Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad

5 Feb 20055 Feb 2009

Award Date: 20 Mar 2009


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