Personal profile

Research interests

My research interests have evolved and will continue to do so over the years. My PhD at the University of Sussex was about everyday memory in people living with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and how it changes over time. The aim was to inform the development of strategies that would support memory in people living with AD. I then undertook a Dementia Research Fellowship at Brighton & Sussex Medical School, where I carried out a number of research projects involved with older adults living with dementia. One study was an international, collaborative study of dementia attitudes, beliefs and experiences of people in Pakistan. In other research I focused on the lifestyle risk factors of AD, including loneliness and poor sleep. My study on night-to-night sleep in people with Alzheimer's disease was a unique documentation of how sleep quality can affect day-to-day cognition, mood and behaviour (Balouch et al., 2022). This research has sparked my fascination of the interplay between sleep and every aspect of waking life (e.g. cognitive ability, mood, health and behaviour), leading to a desire to continue this work in the future.

Supervisory Interests

My research interests include dementia, Alzheimer's disease, sleep, memory, cognition and related subjects. Although, I have supervised a number of undergraduate students, MSc students and research assistants, I am yet to supervise a doctoral student. I welcome enquiries about supervising PhD projects related to sleep, memory and/or ageing.

Education/Academic qualification

Postgraduate Certificate of Learning & Teaching

Award Date: 12 Nov 2020

PhD, A detailed exploration of everyday task performance changes in people with dementia., University of Sussex

Oct 2009Nov 2014

Award Date: 30 Apr 2015

Master, MSc Health Psychology, University of Southampton

Award Date: 20 Mar 2006

Bachelor, BSc (Hons) Psychology

Award Date: 1 Nov 2004


  • H Social Sciences (General)
  • psychology
  • cognition
  • sleep
  • dementia
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • neuropsychology
  • biopsychology
  • cognitive psychology
  • biological psychology
  • neuroscience


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