Personal profile

Approach to teaching

At the heart of my teaching philosophy is a student-centered approach that prioritizes inclusivity, diversity, and active learning. I firmly believe in creating an environment where every student feels valued, respected, and empowered to engage actively in their learning journey. By employing diverse interactive methods and incorporating technology, I aim to foster a dynamic learning experience that caters to the needs and preferences of a broadly diverse cohort.

Grounded in pedagogic theories such as constructivism and critical alignment, my teaching strategies emphasize the importance of knowledge construction, critical thinking, and removing barriers to learning. I design stimulating materials, learning environments, assessments, practical sessions, and simulations to enhance student engagement and promote deep learning.

Feedback is integral to my teaching practice, and I continuously strive to improve my teaching skills to meet the evolving needs of my students. Beyond imparting scientific knowledge, I aim to instill resilience, survival skills, and moral values in my students, preparing them to positively impact the world. My ultimate goal is to leave every student with an outstanding learning experience, equipping them with the tools and mindset to thrive academically and beyond.

Research interests

As an early-career researcher, my work in infectious immunology, specifically within vaccinology and maternal and child care, has left distinct fingerprints on the field. Having made significant contributions during the COVID-19 pandemic, I have engaged in research endeavors aimed at understanding infectious diseases and enhancing vaccine development. My dedication to maternal and child care reflects a commitment to safeguarding vulnerable populations. Over the past two years, my research focus has dynamically shifted towards the intricate realm of the tumor microenvironment. This profound interest in tumor immunology stems from a strong desire to contribute impactful solutions to the management and treatment of cancer. With a solid foundation in infectious immunology and a newfound passion for unraveling the complexities of the tumor microenvironment, I am poised to bridge the gap between infectious diseases and cancer research. Through my early-career journey, I aim to make substantial strides in advancing our understanding of immune responses and therapeutic interventions, ultimately contributing to the broader landscape of healthcare innovations.

Supervisory Interests

My research and supervision interests converge at the dynamic intersection of cancer biology, neuro-oncology, and infectious immunology. A primary focus lies in elucidating the intricacies of the tumor microenvironment, and exploring innovative strategies for its modulation to enhance therapeutic outcomes. In the realm of neuro-oncology, my passion is dedicated to advancing interventions for tumors affecting the nervous system, delving into novel approaches for diagnosis and treatment. Simultaneously, infectious immunology captivates my curiosity, as I investigate immune responses to infections and their implications for health.

This multidisciplinary approach underscores my commitment to understanding the complexities of diseases that pose significant challenges to global health. By exploring the modulation of tumor microenvironments, advancing neuro-oncological interventions, and unraveling the mysteries of infectious immunology, my aim is to contribute impactful insights that may shape future therapeutic interventions and improve patient outcomes across diverse medical domains.

Education/Academic qualification

PGCAP Learning and Teaching: Evaluation of performance of a modified PB004 Module, University of Brighton

27 Sept 20225 Jan 2024

Award Date: 5 Jan 2024

PhD, A study on biomarkers of Cerebral Malaria among Children in Ghana., University of Benin

1 Dec 201314 Nov 2019

Award Date: 14 Sept 2019

Master, Potency and efficacy of Newcastle Disease Virus LaSota Vaccine retailed in Jos and environs.

5 Jan 20091 Dec 2012

Award Date: 1 Dec 2012

Bachelor, Bacteria profile of food vended in Vom and environs.

21 Sept 200224 Sept 2008

Award Date: 24 Sept 2008

External positions

Fitness to Practice Panel Member, HCPC - Health & Care Professions Council

1 Jul 2023 → …

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

10 Jan 202030 Mar 2022


1 Oct 201330 Mar 2022


  • QR180 Immunology
  • QR355 Virology
  • RB Pathology


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