Personal profile
Research interests
I have been focused on my transition from an occupational therapist in clinical practice to senior lecturer of occupational therapy. I now feel ready to focus on & develop my research interests.
The perpetual thread throughout all of my research ideas is belonging, an integral but under explored dimension of occupational science. I am developing my understanding of visual research methods, currently photo-elicitation, and I am keen to explore possible collaborations with members of the arts and humanities community to form innovative partnerships and actualise creative research.
Other areas that I am interested in include:
Collaborative student creative projects- using the underpinning philosphy of engagement and particpation in occupational therapy to nurture a sense of student belonging with each other and their own learning journey. For the last three years I have facilitated a creative student legacy project and I am interested to explore the layers of meaning in greater depth.
Occupational therapy and community development- I have a great passion for community development and have set up and co-founded various projects, including a community hub (which aims to promote social inclusion and reduce isolation) and a community orchard.
Intergenerational activities- I created and continue to run an Intergenerational Supper Club which provides opportunity for younger and older people to participate, interact, share stories and explore activities together.
Approach to teaching
I completed my MSc in Health Through Occupation at the University of Brighton in 2003. The knowledge, understanding and confidence I gained throughout the course enabled me to apply for a post within a Community Mental Health Team as the only occupational therapist. I was therefore able to develop the role and my identity as an occupational therapist early on in my career. Once I was established, I returned to the University to provide fixed resource sssions which were focused on community mental health practice and to facilitate Problem Based Learning sessions. PBL had been at the core of my University experience and I was committed to developing my skills as a facilitator. After over 15 years of working within the NHS, I fulfilled my aspiration of becoming an occupational therapy lecturer here at the University of Brighton in July 2018. The transition from clinical practitioner to Senior Lecturer has been a wonderful period of personal & professional growth. Teaching across both courses, leading the BSc learners final two modules, supporting Dr Bex Twinley to develop & run the successful All About Occupation seminar series, creating and facilitating Community Arts Therapeutic Occupations sessions, enabling three cohorts to collaboratively work on a creative project to symbolise their legacy, facilitating the annual Diverse Conference & most recently, leading the post-graduate module Promoting Health, Well-being and Resilience through Participation. I am committed to continue to develop my role to support the next generations of occupational therapists through their learning experiences and into practice settings, communities and beyond.
Education/Academic qualification
Master, MSc in Health Through Occupation , University of Brighton
Award Date: 10 Oct 2003
Bachelor, Sociology, Staffordshire University
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