Personal profile

Research interests

My general research interests cover the ecology, diversity, taxonomy and medical importance of microorganisms, particularly fungi. I have been working in topics related with the epidemiology and development of novel diagnostic tools for pathogenic organisms, medical mycology and the study of the human mycobiome. I aim to develop a successfully research line in our school to advance the challenging field of medical mycology, particularly focusing on unusual and neglected fungal diseases.

Scholarly biography

I hold a degree in chemistry and a PhD in biology/microbiology by NOVA University (Lisbon, Portugal), and I completed a PGcert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at the University of Brighton. I have worked as lecturer and researcher at several institutions, including the Portuguese Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Veterinary Research Institute, and I now work as Principal Lecturer of microbiology at the School of Applied Sciences, University of Brighton.

Approach to teaching

I teach pharmaceutical and medical microbiology subjects to undergraduate students of pharmacy and other undergraduate and postgraduate courses. I like to unveil relevant case studies and results of my own research while teaching, which I believe expands the interest of the subjects and the engagement of students. I hope that my students are enquiring and creative, and that they make my life difficult by raising questions and initiating discussions pertinent to the subjects taught.

Supervisory Interests

I am happy to collaborate in projects and supervise post-graduate students in the broad field of medical and pharmaceutical microbiology, with a particular emphasis for projects involving clinically-relevant fungi and involving other healthcare-associated and non-academic industrial partners.

Education/Academic qualification

PGcert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Award Date: 20 Apr 2019

PGcert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Brighton


Award Date: 1 Jun 2016

PhD, PhD Microbiology, NOVA University Lisbon


Award Date: 1 Oct 2003

Chemistry degree, NOVA University Lisbon


Award Date: 1 Jun 1997


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