Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

My current research projects examine sociocultural construction of risk, trust, and their management, public understanding of science and science communication related to vaccines and 5G technology. A second strand of my research explores healthcare decision making among poor people in India.

I am currently collaborating with Discourse, Science, Publics Lab (Kieran O'Doherty) at University of Guelph, Canada on vaccine hesitancy in Ontario and with Dr Chetan Sinha Jindal GLobal University, Sonepat, India on strategic risk taking in health decisions amongs poor people in India.

Scholarly biography

I joined University of Brighton in September 2017. Prior to this I was a Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr Kieran O'Doherty at University of Guelph, Canada where I looked at vaccine hesitancy in Ontario.

In 2009, I received my BSc and MSc in Psychology with honours and university merit from University of Delhi, India. Subsequently, and until 2011, I worked with Prof Girishwar Misra and Prof Anand Prakash at UoD as social psychology GTA.

During 2011-2012, I was a Commonwealth Trusts and Camrdge Trusts funded scholar at University of Cambridge where I received my MPhil in social psychology with distinction and first position in the cohort.

My PhD (2012 - 2016) at the London School of Economics (LSE) was fully funded by LSE PhD Scholarship. I worked under the supervision of Prof Catherine Campbell, Prof Sandra Jovchelovitch, and Dr Alex Gillespie to develop a social psychological perspective on poverty in Bihar, India.

Supervisory Interests

I welcome doctoral research ideas related to:

  • poverty, homelessness, deprivation, and social inequalities
  • social representations; risk and trust in social world and healthcare; perspectives on vaccines (including hesitancy and refusal); public understanding of science
  • Using big-data for psychological research

Interested students are encouraged to send a short email to me with their initial ideas.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, The London School of Economics and Political Science

Master, University of Cambridge

External positions

Member, Expert Reference Group on Poverty, British Psychological Society


External Examiner Psychology - King's College London, King's College London


Peer Reviewer - Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO)

1 Sept 201930 Sept 2024

External Examiner, Psychology, University of East London, University of East London

Dec 20172021

Editor in Chief


  • BF Psychology
  • risk
  • trust
  • vaccine
  • philosophy of mind
  • Self-identity
  • poverty
  • Social representation
  • Big data
  • India


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