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1994 …2022

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Research interests

Professor Davies has undertaken clinical research exploring the pharmacokinetics of various drugs in both the critically ill, burns patients and those with thromboembolic disease. His current research interest is the study of medication related harm in the elderly, being a member of the PRIME research group, a collaboration of academics and clinicians from the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences University of Brighton, Brighton & Sussex Medical School, Institute of Pharmaceutical Science King's College London and elderly care clinicians working in both Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals Trust and Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. This work has both described the nature of medication related harm (MRH) in the elderly as well as developed a number of risk stratificataion tools to predict which patients may experience MRH.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Drug removal in continuous renal replacement therapy, University of Brighton

1 Jul 199212 Dec 1996

Award Date: 12 Dec 1996


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