Personal profile

Research interests

I am interested in how students develop as learners and how Biomedical Scientists become competent and confident professionals.

I am also investigating the use of Point of Care testing in microbiology.  

I am currently working on evaluating potential antimicrobial agents in mucous collected from molluscs

Scholarly biography

Sarah is a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registrant Biomedical Scientist and Fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS). She lectures in microbiology, with a particular expertise in clinical virology and parasitology. After a BSc in Microbiology from Bristol University, Sarah trained as a Biomedical Scientist at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School in London. She subsequently worked in hospital diagnostic laboratories in other parts of the UK, Africa and Central Asia. Sarah is interested in teaching and training of Biomedical Scientists and is involved in managing clinical placements in local hospital pathology departments for BSc Biomedical Science students who are looking for a career in diagnostic laboratory work. 

Sarah is the IBMS Chief Examiner for Virology  and is involved in setting professional exams, the Specialist portfolio and continuing professional development activities. 

She has published three text books to support students’ learning: Introduction to Biomedical Science in Clinical and Professional Practice co-authored with Dr Jim Cunningham , Parasitology: An Integrated Approach which was written with Dr Alan Gunn of Liverpool John Moores University and Clinical Microbiology for Diagnostic and Laboratory Scientists for which she was the single author.

Approach to teaching

I am a clinical microbiologist interested in the diagnosis of infectious diseases and understanding the epidemiology of infections. I am also a professional Biomedical Scientist and I am keen to explain to students how this important work contributes to patient care.

I teach microbiology to students at all levels of study from first year Undergraduate through to Masters. I try to show students how interesting microorganisms can be and also how microbiology is relevant to everyday life.

I like to encourage students to ask questions, read around the subject and to apply their knowledge and understanding to scientific and clinical problems.     

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Managing fof Quality in Clinical Microbiology Services , Liverpool John Moores University

Award Date: 1 Jul 2002

Master, MSc Applied Parasitology and Medical Entomology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Award Date: 1 Nov 1996

Bachelor, BSc ( Hons) Microbiology, University of Bristol

Award Date: 1 Jul 1987

External positions

Chief Examiner Virology , Institute of Biomedical Science


  • QR355 Virology
  • RB Pathology


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    Sept 2017

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