Personal profile

Scholarly biography

Dr. Lieselotte Corten is a senior lecturer in Physiotherapy and course leaders for the BSc (Hon) Physiotherapy programme, at the University of Brighton. She graduated with a BSc (2009) and MSc (2011) in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium; with a major in paediatric physiotherapy. She was awarded a PhD in Physiotherapy from the University of Cape Town in July 2017 (dissertation title: The use of assisted autogenic drainage in children with acute and chronic respiratory conditions). She obtained a £1000 scholarship of the Centre for Learning and Teaching (University of Brighton) to conduct research in the expectations and experiences of students placed at a diverse placement (mainstream schools). She currently is undertaking research in mainstream schools for which she obtained a £10 000 grant from the University of Brighton (Rising stars award).

Research interests

Dr. Lieselotte Corten is specialised in paediatric physiotherapy, engaging in quantitative research and systematic reviews in this field of physiotherapy. Her research interests are physiotherapy in mainstream schools, physical activity and motor development in children, paediatric neurology, paediatric respiratory conditions and sports in youth. She values the importance of primary health care, collaborating with communities to provide health care for all.

Supervisory Interests

My supervisory and research interests are paediatric physiotherapy, with a special interest in physical activity and motor development in children, physiotherapy in mainstream schools, interventions in cystic fibrosis and paediatric neurology. I am currently supervising 8 MSc students, in the field of paediatric physiotherapy and sports physiotherapy; and have been involved in several PhD projects as a student mentor.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Physiotherapy, University of Cape Town

Feb 201314 Jul 2017

Master, Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, major in Paediatrics, KU Leuven

Sept 20097 Jul 2011

Bachelor, Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, KU Leuven

Sept 20061 Jul 2009


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