Projects per year
Search results
BLAST: Building Links in Ageing Science and Engagement (BLAST)
Faragher, R. (PI), Cox, L. (CoI), McClure, C. D. (CoI) & Hartley, R. (CoI)
14/02/22 → 13/02/24
Project: Research Councils / Government Depts.
Cross-coupling routes to partially-fluorinated motifs
Pattison, G. (PI)
1/02/21 → 31/01/22
Project: Public Sector
PECO: Is exposure to airborne fine and ultrafine particulate matter a determining factor in COVID-19 infection and outcome within the UK?
Wyche, K. (PI), Maniatis, G. (CoI) & Smallbone, K. (CoI)
1/01/21 → 30/06/21
Project: Research Councils / Government Depts.
HRITAP: The Hidden Rise in Toxic Air Pollution during the COVID-19 Pandemic: is our response worsening the respiratory burden of particulate matter in the UK?
Wyche, K. (PI), Smallbone, K. (CoI) & Maniatis, G. (PI)
1/06/20 → 31/05/21
Project: Research Councils / Government Depts.
Reifying Reactions – developing a novel tactile interactive synthetic chemistry visualisation tool
Ostler, L. (PI) & Patel, B. (PI)
1/06/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Charities
New avenues for intervention in age-related degenerative disease in the horse: unravelling the role of altered RNA splicing and senescence in tendon
Faragher, R. (PI) & Ostler, L. (CoI)
3/12/18 → 2/12/21
Project: Industry
A reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) monitoring system to study their role in cancer
Flint, M. (PI) & Patel, B. (PI)
1/01/18 → 31/12/19
Project: Grant
GLIOMA: H2020-MSCA-Individual Fellowship - Targeting Glioblastoma using Combinatorial Therapeutic Nanovaccine
Savina, I. (PI), Raveendran, S. (CoI), Alavijeh, M. (CoI) & Shevchenko, R. (CoI)
2/10/17 → 1/10/19
Project: Grant
Evaluation of faecal pellet sensor device in inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD)
Patel, B. (PI)
25/05/17 → 24/01/18
Project: Research Councils / Government Depts.
Faecal sensor to understand how signalling and muscle dynamics alter with incontinence
Patel, B. (CoPI) & Yeoman, M. (CoPI)
1/04/17 → 31/08/17
Project: Research
Development of a faecal pellet sensor for simultaneous monitoring of luminal signalling and muscle dynamics during defecation
Patel, B. (PI), Yeoman, M. (CoI) & Covill, D. (CoI)
1/03/17 → 31/08/17
Project: Research Councils / Government Depts.
DERMA: Design of Enabling-Regenerative Materials (DERMA)
Allan, I. (PI), Santin, M. (CoI), Gard, P. (CoI), Sarker, D. (CoI), Chatterjee, C. (CoI), Cooper, I. (CoI), Cragg, P. (CoI), Otter, S. (CoI) & Forss, R. (CoI)
1/09/16 → 31/05/20
Project: Grant
Biodegradation of aromatic chloroderivatives from contaminated water
Berillo, D. (CoI), Savina, I. (PI) & Caplin, J. (CoI)
1/06/16 → 30/05/18
Project: Research
A computational protocol to model organophosph(on)ate chemical warfare agents and their simulants
Cragg, P. (PI) & Gass, I. (CoI)
1/09/15 → 31/08/16
Project: EU / International
Electrochemical sensor for monitoring levels of oxygen and nitrogen reactive species to benefit ageing research
Patel, B. (PI), Yeoman, M. (CoI) & Faragher, R. (CoI)
1/04/13 → 31/03/14
Project: Research Councils / Government Depts.
SensoPellet: A new tool to investigate signalling and motility in the lower digestive tract
Patel, B. (PI)
1/05/12 → 30/06/13
Project: Research Councils / Government Depts.
Approaches to control infection, encrustation, and blockage of urinary catheters
Patel, B. (CoI), Jones, B. (CoI), Barnes, L. (CoI), Nzakizwanayo, J. (CoI) & Holling, N. (CoI)
1/01/12 → 31/08/14
Project: Research
Flax – Increasing its Value for Society
Mikhalovsky, S. (CoPI), Farrer, J. (CoI), Bowyer, C. (CoI), Watt, C. (CoI), Allan, I. (CoI), Mikhalovska, L. (CoI) & Cragg, P. (PI)
1/01/12 → 30/06/15
Project: EU / International
ENSOR: Evolving Nanocarbon Strategies in (bio-) Organic Remits
Savina, I. (PI), Mikhalovsky, S. (CoPI), Bush, P. (CoI) & Whitby, R. (PI)
1/06/11 → 30/05/14
Project: Research
PHOTORELEASE: Fabrication of particles with photo receptors: bio-analytical application such as controlled drug delivery. (PHOTORELEASE)
Szunerits, S. (PI), Mikhalovska, L. (CoI), Cooper, I. (CoI) & Cragg, P. (CoI)
1/01/11 → 31/08/14
Project: EU / International
Effects of age on signalling and function in the lower bowel
Yeoman, M. (PI), Patel, B. (CoI), Wu, Y. (CoI), Saffrey, M. J. (CoI), Ranson, R. N. (PI) & Wang, J. (CoI)
1/09/10 → 31/08/14
Project: Research
Electrochemical sensor devices to aid understanding of ageing and disease mechanisms
Patel, B. (PI), Cragg, P. (CoI), Kothur, R. R. (CoI), Swain, G. (CoI), Boutelle, M. G. (CoI) & O'Hare, D. (CoI)
1/09/10 → 31/08/12
Project: Research
Quantifying a biophysical model of lipid-protein, lipid-DNA interactions in crowded molecular environments
Attard, G. S. (CoI), Dymond, M. (PI), Gillams, R. J. (CoI) & Nylander, T. (CoI)
1/09/10 → 31/08/16
Project: Research Councils / Government Depts.
UNCOS: Unique Nanocarbons from Critically Opalescent Solutions
Cundy, A. (PI), Whitby, R. (CoI) & Aschenbrenner, O. (CoI)
5/07/10 → 4/07/14
Project: Research
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CARBOSORB: Carbon (Nano) Sorbents for Environmental Remediation
Cundy, A. (PI) & Whitby, R. (CoI)
1/05/09 → 30/04/13
Project: Research
Effects of age on the central nervous system
Yeoman, M. (PI), Patel, B. (CoI), Scutt, G. (CoI), Sheridan, G. (PI) & Hachoumi, L. (CoI)
1/09/06 → 31/12/15
Project: Research