Uniformbooks (Publisher)

  • Maria Papadomanolaki (Member of editorial board)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial work


Sounds Remote is an inventory and reader of the sounds, sites and streams assembled for the Reveil radio broadcast on 2 to 3 May 2015. In its second iteration, Reveil again made a complete transect of the earth lasting one earth day, travelling west from Stave Hill Ecological Park in Rotherhithe on a sequence of live audio streams.

The publication takes its z-shaped double binding from the hand-sewn singinging printed by Colin Sackett in 1995 to notate sound rising and falling over downland.
2 x 28pp, 220 x 150mm. Essays by Angus Carlyle, Anna Friz, Udo Noll, Zach Poff, Rob St John, and Paul Tourle. Images by Ky Lewis. Designed and produced by Uniformbooks and SoundCamp, 2016.
Period1 Apr 2016
Type of publisherPublisher