Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial work
Sounds Remote is an inventory and reader of the sounds, sites and streams assembled for the Reveil radio broadcast on 2 to 3 May 2015. In its second iteration, Reveil again made a complete transect of the earth lasting one earth day, travelling west from Stave Hill Ecological Park in Rotherhithe on a sequence of live audio streams.
The publication takes its z-shaped double binding from the hand-sewn singinging printed by Colin Sackett in 1995 to notate sound rising and falling over downland. 2 x 28pp, 220 x 150mm. Essays by Angus Carlyle, Anna Friz, Udo Noll, Zach Poff, Rob St John, and Paul Tourle. Images by Ky Lewis. Designed and produced by Uniformbooks and SoundCamp, 2016.