Under the seducing name “Tasty Cities”, the Fachgebiet Landschaftsarchitektur. Freiraumplanung [Department Landscape Architecture . Open Space Planning] led by Prof. Undine Giseke held a day of presentations and discussions on urban food systems at the Technical University in Berlin. The event was convened by Katrin Bohn.
Starting off from a Global-South perspective, aim of the colloquium was to converge knowledge gained in the two fast growing cities Kigali (Rwanda) and Da Nang (Vietnam) with experiences from Berlin. Members of the department’s team presented the outcomes of their project Rapid Planning: Sustainable infrastructure, environmenl and ressource management for highly dynamic metropolitan regions [Rapid Planing: Nachhaltiges Infrastruktur- Umwelt- und Ressourcenmanagement für hochdynamische Metropolregionen], and invited food system practitioners and experts presented key food system projects from Berlin: the Ernährungsrat Berlin [Food Policy Council Berlin], the community garden Himmelbeet and the food distribution charity Berliner Tafel e.V. In lively discussion with the audience and convened by Katrin Bohn, lessons from Berlin, Da Nang and Kigali were extracted, compared and made part of a multi-directional knowledge transfer.