RIBA Publishing (Publisher)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial work


RIBA Client Advisers’ Sustainability Briefing Requirements (SBR): Workbook.

Use of the Workbook
This workbook, to be used with the RIBA Sustainable Outcomes Guide 2019, is intended for the
briefing of RIBA Work Stages 0 and 1, and for development during Stage 2 and beyond, to help
clients make informed choices setting sustainability outcomes for their projects. Further guidance is
also signposted.

Population of the workbook will be an iterative process involving client, their RIBA Client Adviser and
consultant team members.

Its purpose is to act as a checklist to help capture the preliminary thoughts and aspirations of
the project team, with the goal of setting performance requirements. It will inform the choice of
design strategies and assessment tools, identify the need for specialist team members and set up
measurable long term sustainability strategies that will fit the client’s own drivers and their wider
responsibilities towards climate and society.
It is anticipated that these sustainability topics will have become embedded in the Project Brief by the
end of Stage 2, with client choices ultimately reflected in the
co-ordinated multidisciplinary design material.

Baker-Brown was one of two people who reviewed this document before its final edit.

Period1 Jul 202221 Feb 2023
Type of publisherPublisher
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • Climate Literacy
  • Sustainability
  • Architecture
  • Clients