Activity: External talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Tom Ainsworth and Sally Sutherland presented a conversation and short film about moving towards post-rational approaches to design at the Wicked possibilities webinar. This is a provocation for discourse.
Ainsworth and Sutherland argue that shifting towards and recognising post-rational modes of design could open up possibilities when working with wicked challenges. They believe that this will help push new insights and new practices that benefit economic, ecological, political and social systems. Post-rational design embraces plurality, multiple relationalities, multi-sensoriality as fundamental components of relational practice.
To cite this presentation please use the following: Ainsworth, T., and Sutherland, S. "Post-rational approaches to design." Presentation at Wicked Possibilities: Designing in and with systemic complexity [webinar], University of Brighton, UK, July 15, 2020.
15 Jul 2020
Event title
Wicked possibilities: Designing in and with systemic complexity. Webinar.